What is the workplace of the future?
The impact of the epidemic and the economic crisis has also had an impact on employee commitment: the feeling of security at work has increased. The intensifying trend is presumably an initial response to the crisis caused by the coronavirus.
But how to proceed in the changed working environment? What is the workplace of the future? How to maintain competitiveness in a constantly changing, challenging labour market?
Experts say, to succeed in the workplace of the future we will need certain social and emotional skills. This is covered by SEL (Social and Emotional Learning), a complex set of knowledge and skills. This set includes some basic skills (scientific, financial or cultural knowledge), and skills needed to meet more complex challenges (such as creativity or problem-solving).In addition, cooperation and adaptability skills, flexibility, proactivity and curiosity will be extremely important.
Robot workers and robot chiefs - do they really pose a threat to jobs?
Indeed due to the increasing expansion of automation, robots and artificial intelligence, there are manufacturing and assembly sectors where significant cost savings can be achieved and the risks inherent in processes can be minimised by incorporating high technologies. However there are plenty of areas that require creativity and where there is no need to worry about the appearance of a possible robot colleague.
But one thing is clear: adaptability is key and the skills to prepare for constant change must be acquired by all who want to succeed in the labor market of the future.