
CO-2 transparency along the entire supply chain

The path to sustainability will shape the future of our industry.

One of the greatest challenges of our time is the responsible use of the resources available to us. At thyssenkrupp Materials Eastern Europe, we accept this fact and act accordingly. This conclusion is also reflected in changing social demands and new regulations of the European Union, such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD).

Transparency is the first step towards change.

In order to achieve their sustainability goals, companies first need transparency about the drivers of their CO2 emissions. With our independently verified Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) certificates, we now provide you with this information. The calculation includes all direct and indirect emissions along the entire value chain and helps you to measure your environmental impact to take measures to reduce your emissions.

"Society places a clear demand on our industry: it obliges us to be more sustainable. With greenability from thyssenkrupp Materials Eastern Europe, we offer our customers the opportunity to take their individual path to a more sustainable future. That is our value proposition. That is Moving Industries for Generations."

Jörg Heiles,
CEO, thyssenkrupp Materials Eastern Europe

grenability as an umbrella brand is divided into three areas. Click on the elements to find out more!

Making conscious decisions to reduce CO2 emissions.

Terms such as "green steel" and "green aluminum" are not clearly defined today. When classifying our materials, we therefore consider the manufacturing processes as well as internationally recognized standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO standard 14067. This allows us to create a clear and comprehensible classification into three classes to give you certainty and guidance when purchasing materials.

greenability brochure

"Green steel": We are talking about CO2-reduced materials. Here you will find concrete, material-specific emission values for less complexity and more certainty when selecting products.

Would you like to find out more about CO2-reduced products or do you have a specific order inquiry? Please contact us!


* Mandatory information