„My chocolate mousse cake”

Author: Milena Zaborowska – thyssenkrupp Materials Poland



  • 300 g of chickpeas from a jar

  • 70 g of xylitol or erythritol (or sugar of your choice)

  • 60 g of canola oil

  • 1 tablespoon of pudding powder (for gluten-free version it can be tapioca starch, for example)

  • 3 tbsp dark cocoa

Chocolate mousse:

  • 140 g aquafaba (chickpea water from a jar)

  • 150 g (I recommend no-sugar vegan chocolate, about 60% cacao, but you can use the chocolate you like)

  • 50 g coconut oil

  • 40 g powdered sugar made from xylitol or erythritol (or sugar of your choice)

  • pinch of salt


  • 100 g chocolate

  • 20 g coconut oil

You will also need:

  • 2 bowls

  • Blender

  • Mixer

  • small saucepan

  • baking tin

  • spoon

  • baking paper

Eco friendy tips:

  • Coconut oil, chickpea and canola oil are all products you can buy in jars.

  • After using, the jars can be scalded with hot water and used, for example, for oatmeal for work, as a container for dry products and more.

  • Starch/budding, cocoa, xylitol/erythritol you will get in stores in paper packages


I thought for a long time what recipe to share with my colleagues at work, but the choice turned out to be simpler than I thought…. CHOCOLATE – who doesn’t like chocolate?

Believe that this cake will make a furore on your tables. It is healthy, vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free and it tastes like a real cake from the best bakery!

I follow a vegan diet on a daily basis and I pay attention to the ingredients and the origin of the products, as well as to their eco-friendliness. The ingredients needed to make the cake were chosen so that nothing gets greasy and no plastic packaging is left behind.

Baking is one of my hobbies, I enjoy baking for family and friends, often for relaxation, and then sharing with neighbors or colleagues at work. Especially when I can, thanks to them, convince people a little bit that dairy-free and sugar-free CAN DO!

My chocolate mousse cake became a bestseller among the family when I first brought it to Christmas Eve. (Decorated with freeze-dried cranberries, raspberries and spruce branches, it looked beautiful). I have a special memory from that day – when my partner’s grandmother said it was THE NEST CAKE SHE HAD EVER EATEN! This is an amazing compliment for me. <3

But okay, let’s start baking!


I give the ingredients for a small pie tin with a diameter about 18 cm. If you have a larger tin, I recommend making from a double portion, or expect the cake will be flatter, which will absolutely not affect the taste.


1. Drain the chickpeas from the jar and rinse thoroughly with water. (Put the aquafaba from the jar in the fridge).
2. Put chickpeas, pudding/starch, cocoa, canola oil and xylitol/erythrol in a bowl and blend well.
3. Put the mixture on a baking tin lined with baking paper and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 25-30 minutes.When the cake has cooled down start making the mousse.Tip: to make the baking paper more shapeable and touch the tin – soak it with water and drain – this is very helpful.
4. Melt chocolate with coconut oil in a saucepan and mix with powdered xylitol/erythritol and a pinch of salt (salt boosts the flavor of chocolate and sugar, don’t be afraid of it :)). Wait until it cools down, but it will still be liquid.
5. Use a mixer to froth the cooled aquafaba to a stiff foam (maximum speed).
6. Gradually combine the chocolate with the foam – gently stir with a spatula or spoon.
7. Pour the chocolate mousse on the prepared bottom and put it in the fridge for a few hours until the mousse sets.
7. In a saucepan, microwave or water bath, melt chocolate with coconut oil. Allow it to cool and pour over the cake.You can put the frosting on top:freeze-dried fruitsnutsmousse milk candies in chocolate (in Poland we have the popular „Ptasie Mleczko”)whatever you want.